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Oleh Hryshchenko

During the first days of russia’s full-scale invasion ordinary Ukrainians had no guns yet they met occupiers with a “Molotov cocktail” – a homemade weapon. During russo-Finnish War, the cocktail was named after the Soviet minister for whom it was intended. In Ukraine, the cocktail was named after the Ukrainian symbol of resistance and changed to “Bandera smoothie”


EUR 25.00
UAH 1000.00
EUR 30.00
UAH 1200.00
EUR 50.00
UAH 2000.00
EUR 60.00
UAH 2400.00
EUR 65.00
UAH 2600.00
EUR 70.00
UAH 2800.00


If you order a printed poster, the cost of printing and delivery will be added to your order.

10% of the sum will be donated to the Armed Forces of Ukraine or the Come Back Alive fund or the Charitable Foundation "Voices of Children". 50% will go towards supporting Ukrainian artists. 40% will keep this project running.

Previews of the posters can be used online for free with an indication of the authors and our site. 


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