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Sashko Komiakhov
Art is a weapon
Sashko Komiakhov
Art is a weapon

From the first day of the invasion, all the Ukrainians joined the resistance. Everyone does what they can to fight the enemy: with weapons in their hand, providing humanitarian aid, or in diplomatic circles. Many Ukrainian artists joined the army or became volunteers to help others. 

In this picture, we can see Ukrainian soldiers. In the foreground is a soldier with a kobza behind his back. Kobza is an ancient Ukrainian musical instrument, and Kobzars were traveling musicians described in Ukrainian literature and legends. During the times of the Russian Empire, Kobzars were exterminated by the authorities as they were the symbol of the resistance and educated others on the Ukrainian values of freedom and identity.  


EUR 30.00
UAH 1380.00
EUR 50.00
UAH 2300.00
EUR 65.00
UAH 2990.00
EUR 70.00
UAH 3220.00


If you order a printed poster, the cost of printing and delivery will be added to your order.

10% of the sum will be donated to the Armed Forces of Ukraine or the Come Back Alive fund or the Charitable Foundation "Voices of Children". 50% will go towards supporting Ukrainian artists. 40% will keep this project running.

Previews of the posters can be used online for free with an indication of the authors and our site. 


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