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Tatiana Yakunova
Bucha. Mass Grave
Tatiana Yakunova
Bucha. Mass Grave

Bucha is a suburb of the capital of Ukraine. The liberation of this city showed the whole world the true face of Russians. They killed hundreds of civilians, some corpses were found lying in the streets with their hands tied. They tortured and raped women and girls, killed children. Almost every house has survived a robbery. Even dogs and pets were shot. This is what the Russians leave behind - horrors that no Ukrainian will ever forget.


EUR 25.00
UAH 1000.00
EUR 30.00
UAH 1200.00
EUR 50.00
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EUR 60.00
UAH 2400.00
EUR 65.00
UAH 2600.00
EUR 70.00
UAH 2800.00

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10% of the sum will be donated to the Armed Forces of Ukraine or the Come Back Alive fund or the Charitable Foundation "Voices of Children". 50% will go towards supporting Ukrainian artists. 40% will keep this project running.

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