Anastasia Krasilnikova
Stars that turn into Winds

Anastasia Krasilnikova
Stars that turn into Winds
Movement, wings, breath, progress, flight, strength and freedom: the key words of this series, the motif of which is poetic and abstract images of the Wind, an invisible but powerful ally. The physical essence of this phenomenon is quite transparent and clear, but in the artistic and emotional field, the image of the wind is intuitively associated with changes, anticipation, freedom; and sometimes it gives a sense of touch of something greater than the person himself, similar to what we feel when watching the ocean.
EUR 30.00
UAH 1380.00
UAH 1380.00
EUR 50.00
UAH 2300.00
UAH 2300.00
EUR 65.00
UAH 2990.00
UAH 2990.00
EUR 70.00
UAH 3220.00
UAH 3220.00
If you order a printed poster, the cost of printing and delivery will be added to your order.
10% of the sum will be donated to the Armed Forces of Ukraine or the Come Back Alive fund or the Charitable Foundation "Voices of Children". 50% will go towards supporting Ukrainian artists. 40% will keep this project running.
Previews of the posters can be used online for free with an indication of the authors and our site.